" ...[H]ealth is not just about weight. It is about treating our bodies as sacred. It’s about what we put into our bodies and making sure that they are in the best condition possible for the long haul. It’s about putting things into our bodies that were created by nature or the gods, not by putting synthetic replicas into our bodies as a substitute. It’s something that not only Pagans struggle with, but health is a consideration for all humans. When we are at the height of our possible health (which is different for all of us because of genetics, injury, etc.), we improve the quality of our life. We reduce disease. We prolong life. We feel better for longer."
This is a discussion that a lot of people shy away from. In our eagerness to be kind and accepting of each other — which is, indeed, important — we forget that ignoring preventable suffering and physical harm is not kind. It's touchy, yes. It's hard to find a proper balance. I think, most importantly, it relies on people being willing to be kind to themselves, rather than putting others in the awkward position of figuring out whether or not to speak up. Treating your own body carelessly is not treating it as sacred. Your mind and spirit are important parts of you, and deserve your attention, kindness, and development. But your body is no less a part of you, and it deserves no less.
Take care of yourselves. All of yourself.
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